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909.096364 Dav
The Gulf : By Davis, Jack E., / Published (Dynamic Details)
Stroud Branch
909.81 Zam
Holy madness : By Zamoyski, Adam / Published 2001, c1999. (Dynamic Details)
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909.82 Hig
Stranger than we can imagine : By Higgs, John, / Published (Dynamic Details)
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909.82 Whi
Bridge of spies : By Whittell, Giles. / Published c2010. (Dynamic Details)
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909.825 Hal
1956 : By Hall, Simon, / Published (Dynamic Details)
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909.83 Jac
Dark age ahead / By Jacobs, Jane, / Published c2004. (Dynamic Details)
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909.831 Wha
What matters : By / Published c2008. (Dynamic Details)
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910 Bon
Unruly places : By Bonnett, Alastair, / Published (Dynamic Details)
Stroud Branch
910.2 Esr 2016
The great global bucket list : By Esrock, Robin, / Published (Dynamic Details)
Stroud Branch

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